Thursday, August 27, 2009

New Day

I have a big weekend ahead of me. A quick trip to have coffee with my Uncle Robert this Saturday...looking forward to finally meeting this man and getting to know him. It's a weird feeling; but it's just for coffee and we'll see where it all leads.
Afterwards, I'll meet Jack for our fishing date. Jack told me he would postpone the fishing until another day but I just thought it would give me a good excuse to end my breakfast meeting. Is that awful to say?
I just don't want too much, too soon and not be able to figure it all out. My Dad and his past; where was he all my life; where is he now? There's a lot of questions I have, but this way I can limit them and take it slow. Find out if I really want to know the answers.
Fishing is starting to sound better and better.


  1. You are a very wise girl! Fishing is going to be a delightful reprieve...

  2. good luck to you in your quest for answers...Sending good thoughts your way! Enjoy the fishing too!

  3. Good luck Karyn!

    Sending my best from Seattle.

  4. sounds like another perfect weekend

    fishing - you throw the hook in,
    you dont know what or if you'll get anything,
    but its still a beloved pasttime..
    go "fishing" girl!

  5. Good luck with your uncle. Sounds like fishing with Jack will be just what you might need after.

    AND I've awarded you on my blog! Hope everything goes smoothly this weekend. xoxo


thank you for leaving a message...glad to know you're here.