Sunday, August 16, 2009

best day

Jack came for a visit on Saturday and brought his bike. I'm loving that we have the same vintage style of transportation.
We rode, we talked, we played and then of course, we had to eat. Ice cream sundaes...gotta love that.

We rode back to my house and just enjoyed our time together. Have you ever met someone and felt like you can talk to them about anything? That's Jack. We finished the day at a coffeehouse and brought Benson (the city is SO dog friendly) and it was just the best day together.

delicious sundae via JustBeSplendid
(you didn't expect me to take a picture before wolfing it down?!)


  1. Sounds perfect to me. Especially the ice-cream part. Love those vintage bikes.

  2. your living some very special moments in your life..they make me smile too!

  3. Those ice cream sundaes look DELISH!

  4. Do you ever wonder why Benson came into your life? If it wasn't for him, you wouldn've have 'stumbled upon' Jack! Good boy, Benson!

  5. What a great Benson photo! He's such a cutie :) Glad you had a good weekend with Jack. And I hope you get to connect with your Uncle :)

  6. If we could all have more days like that, some serious happiness would be spreading around.. How cute the bikes as well :)

  7. I think you could easily write a best seller about meeting Jack...In my head, I feel that you kind of already are, although I am sure life is much better than the imitation of life through art :)


thank you for leaving a message...glad to know you're here.