Thursday, July 23, 2009

Where did that come from/Part 2

Just last post I mentioned that it was raining buckets in the city. Thunder, lightning...the perfect storm. I was closing up A French Cloud and heard scratching at the front door...and look what was there. Meet my new house guest...that is, until I find the owners. He bolted into the shop; shook his wet coat and let out a shower of raindrops, and then jumped into the nearest chair. Luckily I found a couple of dog chews (thanks to Ralph--always thinking to keep our customers satisfied- even if they do have 4 legs!) and that seems to keep him busy.
I have no idea who he belongs to...but isn't he just SO cute?! I'm sure he'll only be an overnight guest. Tomorrow I'll put ads in the paper/craigslist, call the shelters, put up posters and try to find his home.
I never had a dog growing up. Did you? It was just my mom and me and we really never had too much time to take care of a dog...I had a bird...probably not the same.
Anyways, tonight I have a dog. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Lucky girl, and lucky doggie! Can't wait to hear how the story continues....


thank you for leaving a message...glad to know you're here.